

The injector, which is the sample’s entrance to the chromatograph, has different functions. Besides its role as an inlet for the sample, it must vaporize, mix with the carrier gas and bring about the sample at the head of the column. The characteristics of the injectors, as well as the modes of injection, differ according to column type. The use of an automatic injection system can significantly enhance measurement precision.
Direct vaporization injector

Sample introduction and the injection chamber

Sample introduction
The most common injection method is where a microsyringe is used (Figure 2.3) to inject a very small quantity of sample in solution (e.g. 05 L), through a rubber septum into a flash vaporizer port at the head of the column. For gaseous samples,

Carrier gas and flow regulation

The mobile phase is a gas (helium, hydrogen or nitrogen), either drawn from a commercially available gas cylinder or obtained, in the case of hydrogen or nitrogen, from an on-site generator, which provides gas of very high purity. The carrier gas must be free of all traces of hydrocarbons, water vapour and